A SELECTION OF COMMENTS MADE TO, OR ABOUT, FRANKLIN BY OTHER POSTERS ON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACF poster to Franklin 18/Nov/2008: "Your ability to project is amazing" "You are a vicious liar." "...you are a deluded egomaniac troll who doesn't care about this group. ...if someone says they are going to killfile you so they will be rid of your bullshit, your repeated nym-shifting, multiple times in a day, in an hour, whatever it takes to pop out again. That's a mental disease, son." "You are a poisonous troll, a liar, and an unstable loonie." "you are delusional, paranoid, lying, and an utter asshole..." "You are either incredibly, unbelievably stupid, or a vicious laying scumbag. Your choice" "You're really a sick little bastard, Franklin. Honestly, you should (but won't) get help." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACF poster: 13/Nov/2008: "I've been here long before Franklin and have witnessed his blathering, nym shifting and off topic garbage for too long now." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACF poster to Franklin 14/Nov/2008: "...what's left of your mind has turned to slimy mush, and since the bolt thru your neck came loose, your head is flopping about on your neck like a toffee apple on a broken stick" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACF poster to Franklin 24/Sep/2008: "...you made a complete arse of yourself. Give it a rest" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACF poster to Franklin 21/Jun/2008: "And you believe you're somehow "better"...with your incessant puerility and craven cowardice when someone shines a light on your own incompetence?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACF poster to a Franklin sockpuppet 20/Aug/2008: No. You are Franklin. At one time, someone else said you were "the personification of pure evil." I believe they had you pegged. You *are* evil. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACF poster to Franklin 24/Jun/2008: "You're the one nuzzling a net kook's nutsack just to try and win back some of the ground you pissed away with your 4th grade caliber "wit". You're not funny. You're not clever. You're just pathetic. Now go finish off your idol Ari, brush your teeth, and go to bed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACF poster to Franklin 21/Jul/2008: Yes, I want to extend my thanks to Franklin for inviting the current horde of trolls from other newsgroups with his constant cross-posting. This current scourge is far worse than the sporge we were being inundated with earlier this year. Unfortunately the trash propogating to ACF is at the direct hands of humans rather than machines and I fear it's here to stay. You have succeeded in making ACF unusable in my view. Frankly, your insidious methods have been far worse than what we were subjected to by the other antagonists. You sir, are a first-class scoundrel. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACF poster responds to above 21/Jul/2008: He's basically a waste of 02, huh? I've never taken note of anything worthwhile that he's contributed. I suggest everyone just write him off as inconsequential and ignore his sorry self. If HB wants to continue to label his posts as forgeries, that's OK--at least newbies will have cause to wonder. It can't take long for anyone of at least average intelligence to see Franklin's mode and understand his role here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACF poster to Franklin 29/Jun/2008: You're such a pathetic cunt who gets its head handed to it so much, that you're left with nothing but burying your nose in a common troll's ass just to try and convince yourself you have a friend. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACF poster to Franklin 29/Jun/2008: What misguided stretch of your fevered imagination is it that lead you to believe ANYONE wants to be your friend? You're a moron. The only animal that can even stand to be around you for more than 17 seconds is another moron. And even then once you're done with the traditional moron greeting of drooling all over each other the relationship is over. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AFN poster 30/Jun/2008 fed up with Franklin's crossposting: "errrmm.. what is it going to take, chappy.. a full on flame war to shut your yap or maybe just a few crim shots and a durn good arse kickin'. [...] I am thinking U might be yet another pisT miscreant shrieking at the thought of minimal attention.. tell me I got that wrong and prove me right, in one post!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACF poster to Franklin 7/Jul/2008: "You're the personification of pure evil. And, you're not fooling anyone." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACF poster to Franklin 7/Jul/2008: "You worry about what Hummingbird does a lot. Are you in Love?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACF poster to Franklin 8/Jul/2008: "Can you please just NOT keep pissing into the group and starting fights" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACF poster to Franklin 8/Jul/2008: "I've been reading this group for many years and seen many battles rage, but I've never felt the need to killfile anyone till now. Franklin, has the honor of being the only one that I ever placed in my plonk file." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACF poster to Franklin 29/Dec/2007: "The bigger question is what is wrong with you? You are absolutely obsessed with hummingbird. It appears you are openly admiring him." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACF poster to Franklin 12/Jul/2008: "You must be thoroughly bored. I wish you'd find another hobby." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACF poster to Franklin 15/Jul/2008: "why don't you just stay in acf where you're not wanted." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACF poster (Sietse Fliege) 24/Aug/2007: "Franklin, go try some freeware and post about it yourself. Beats boring everyone to death." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACF poster (Sietse Fliege) to Franklin 26/Aug/2007: "Look, I'm not playing your pathetic little game. I'm not gonna dignify your drivel with commenting it line for silly line. EOT, thank you very much." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~